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"Britain's First Space Rocket" has received some excellent reviews. Click on the links below or the images on the right to read them. Click on the new page to return here.

1. The IET's "Engineering & Technology" magazine, Vol.10 Issue 1, February 2015, p.94

2. The British Interplanetary Society's "Space Chronicle" magazine, Vol.68, Suppl.1 2015, pp.47- 48

3. The British Interplanetary Society's "Odyssey" e-Magazine, Issue 35, April 2015, pp.10 - 11

4. Shortlisted for a 2015 "Sir Arthur Clarke" award, click on this link and scroll down to category 6

5. The Royal Aeronautical Society's "Aerospace" Magazine, August 2015, p.46

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                       © New Forest Electronics Tel. +44 (0) 1425 655559                 Issue 3.113    17 Oct 2024